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Journal title : Zabags International Journal of Economy
Initials : ZIJEc
Abbreviation : Zabags International Journal of Economy
Frequency : 2 issues per year (February & August)
Journal DOI :
ISSN (online) : 2987-6036
ISSN (print) : 2988-0319
Editor-in-chief : Dr. Zaenal Abidin, M.Pd.I
Publisher : Zabags Qu Publish
Citation : Google Scholar | Dimensions
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Guidelines (Indonesia) Please! Click here


 ZIJEc (Zabags International Journal of Economy) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objective is to publish original research papers related to the Indonesian, Asian, or the world economy and business issues. This journal is also dedicated to disseminating the published articles freely for international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies. ZIJEc (Zabags International Journal of Economy) is welcomed to authors from any institutional background and accepts rigorous empirical or theoretical research paper with any methods or approach that is relevant to the Indonesian, Asian, or World economy and business content, as long as the research fits one of some salient disciplines: economics, business, management or accounting, etc. 


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